The Fire Time Podcast – Episode 33 – Greet the Customer (Step 1)

Published by Timothy Reed on

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If you want an effective sales process it has to start with greeting the customer. Now, most people think this isn’t something that needs practice—and they’re wrong! The truth is that you are on the playing field as soon as a customer walks into the showroom and you can only make a first impression once. 

In this conversation, you’ll learn:

  • The two questions you haveto ask in the greeting process (this is something that most companies miss)
  • What the “5 words of death” are and how to avoid them (this will kill the ability to build rapport)
  • How to use a framework for greeting a customer without becoming a robot (if you practice this, you are going to win any first impression)

It’s the first step in our seven step sales process and it can’t be ignored. The next 6 episodes are going to build on this to flesh out a sales process that you can use right away to move the needle in your company.

The Fire Time Sales Process:

  1. Greet the Customer
  2. Understand Their Problem
  3. Advise a Solution
  4. Make a Plan
  5. Call to Action
  6. Pursue
  7. Show Gratitude
Categories: Podcast