Tim Reed – Episode 160 – How to Understand Your Customer’s Problem
As the market starts to shrink with the economy, the most important thing we can do is take the time to understand our customer’s problem. It’s simple. Companies who understand their customer’s problem are in a position to advise a solution—and companies who don’t understand the problem can’t.
In today’s episode, Tim turns the page from speaking with Peak Performers to hit the sales process hard. In this conversation, you’ll learn:
- Why the old sales funnel that’s gotten our industry to this point doesn’t work anymore.
- What it takes to master the new sales process to move the needle with our customers.
- How to understand your customer’s problem in every interaction you have with them.
Don’t think you can coast while the market dries up around you. Rather, put these things in place and connect with more customers than ever—regardless of the economy.
New Sales Funnel vs. Old Sales Funnel Graphic: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12MmzKkcldb2gquIhAg1s2feKBl1uFOgF/view?usp=sharing
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