Ryann Blake – Episode 83 – When to Say No
Trying to help your customers is the goal of every business. Accomplishing this objective often entails taking on as many opportunities as possible. Initially, this might be the right move, but over time, this can cripple your business. The truth is that when time and resources and limited a business owner needs to focus on their true customer—and not every customer.
In today’s episode, Tim sits down with Fire Time Magazine contributor, Ryann Blake, the owner of Chimney Techniques. Ryann discusses some of her unique strategies and contributions that have modernized the family business since she took it over.
In this episode you will learn:
- How becoming more specialized in what your business offers will save you time and make you more money (efficiency is the name of the game).
- What the future of customer service looks like (and what you need to do now to keep up).
- Why hiring a photographer is extremely important if you want to attract customers (this will make your business HUMAN).
Not doing everything for everybody might be a hard switch to make. But by learning to say no, you and your team can actually serve your customers better—and be more profitable as well. Listen today to find out how you can transform your business to become more sustainable and successful.
Chimney Techniques Photography:
Working with clients in the showroom
Happy people enjoying the products we sell
Last time Ryann was on the show: The Fire Time Podcast – Episode #53 – Fighting a Culture of Burnout