Jean-François Fauteux – Episode 190 – Life After Electrification

Published by Dan Schmidt on

In Quebec, Canada, electrification happened decades ago. Hearth stores survived this transition and have been selling more than just electric fireplaces ever since because of how they positioned themselves as a part of the solution.

In today’s episode, Tim talks with Jean-François Fauteux (Coval Distribution), who believes the hearth business in Quebec has become stronger from electrification than it was before. Jean provides insight into what he thinks hearth dealers in the US should do to best prepare their businesses for when electrification fully sweeps the nation. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What nearly every electrified hearth dealer’s book of business is like (and how non-electric stoves are a part of the solution).
  • Why shaking pitchforks at climate initiatives is a lost cause (and why the only way we’ll influence climate-focused agendas is by working alongside the people pushing them).
  • How to convince customers that an electric stove will do everything they want (and how to do this with bio-fuel stoves too).

If we want to save our industry from electrification, we must present ourselves as a part of the solution to the people in power. The electrification movement is a tidal wave of change nearing the horizon that’s not going away, and we as an industry have to figure out what we can do to prepare. Listen to this episode to gain a perspective on what we could do.

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